Saturday, February 11, 2006

C.S. Lewis

Need-love cries to God from our poverty; Gift-love longs to serve, or even to suffer for, God; Appreciative love says: "We give thanks to thee for thy great glory." Need-love says of a woman "I cannot live without her"; Gift-love longs to give her happiness, comfort, protection - if possible, wealth; Appreciative love gazes and holds its breath and is silent, rejoices that such a wonder should exist even if not for him, will not be wholly dejected by losing her, would rather have it so than never to have seen her at all.

In a good friendship, each member often feels humility towards the rest. He sees that they are splendid and counts himself lucky to be among them�When we see the face of God, we shall know that we have always known it.

-The Four Loves
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